Owner Details

  • Owner Name: VC
  • Manager / Coach Name: VCC
  • Mobile Number: 8299184048
  • Email:
  • About Achievers:
  • About Achievement:
  • level:

Other Details

  • Registration For: club /
  • Name of Club / Association / Academy / Gvt Sports: VERMA CRICKET CULB
  • Country: IN
  • State / Province: Uttar Pradesh
  • Town / City: Prayagraj
  • Street Address : YB II 93/3 Trivenipuram Jhunsi, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211019
  • Postcode / Zip: 211019
  • Locations Google Map URL:
  • Area of Club / Association / Academy in Sqaure feet :
  • Sport:
  • Timings:

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